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Coaching Feedback

Client Testimonials for IPMA Coaching

Annette Bühler was recommended to me as a coach for my initial certification as a "Certified Agile Leader IPMA Level C". Annette supported me with valuable feedback during my activities in the certification process. This helped me to get my thoughts on the right track so that I could successfully complete all certification steps on the first attempt. The coaching was uncomplicated and Annette was always available to support me promptly with the appropriate feedback. I would like to thank Annette and would be happy to recommend her to others.

Stefan Gisin | Senior IT Consultant | kiwi Consultants AG

Thanks to the coaching from Ms. A. Bühler, I was able to tackle the individual IPMA B steps correctly right from the start and complete them successfully. Especially the quick response time with the apt comments were always a big help. I can only recommend the coaching and the collaboration with A. Bühler!

Roger Purtschert | Overall Project Manager LWL | Dätwyler Cabling Solutions AG

When I decided to do the IPMA B-Level certification, a colleague recommended Ms. Bühler as a coach. She informed me in advance about her services and assessments without obligation and openly. Her feedback was always prompt and understandable, as you would expect from a top project manager. Ms. Bühler quickly pointed out the important points to me, gave me additional security and thus made the certification much easier.

Dr. Matthias Loppacher | CTO | Infors-HT

I had already met Annette 11 years ago in the opposite role; she was our customer at the time. Even then I noticed that she was extremely pleasant to deal with. That is to her advantage today. She imparts the knowledge of how to help yourself in a pleasant, but still measured way. Highly recommended.

Rolf Kessler | Head of EMP Division | Member of the Management Board | Meteolabor AG

It was very reassuring to have a coach with Annette Bühler's experience at my side during the IPMA certification phase. I could always count on her very competent feedback when preparing the report. I could also send her interim results to look at. The feedback was always very quick and clear. She also gave me the right tips to make the interview a success. It gave me the necessary security throughout the entire phase that I was on the right path.

Andreas Haug | Program Manager

"Thanks to Ms. Bühler's coaching, I was able to work out the required evidence for certification in a focused and efficient manner. Her advice and feedback kept me on track and gave me the necessary confidence to do what was expected. With her specialist knowledge, her competence and her specific knowledge of the processes and requirements, I was able to obtain the certificate of achievement without any detours or friction."

Hanspeter Steiner | Senior Technical Project Manager | Hitachi Zosen Inova AG

Annette Bühler knows the standards that are used for certification. That gave me a lot of security. Annette Bühler contributed a lot to making the certification an educational and exciting process for me.

Manfred Winz

The training to become a senior project manager: Ms. Bühler managed the balancing act between theory and practice very well. This was my biggest challenge during the preparation period, accompanied by coach A. Bühler. I had acquired practical experience over many years, but the required theoretical framework had potential for improvement. The personal coaching during the training facilitated and promoted the professional application of so-called "wording" in process management. I see this as the key success for me. Today, after passing the exam, I realize that, for example, the communication process has been significantly improved through my targeted use of terms from PM.

M. Wengert

Thanks to her cross-industry experience in leadership and project management, Annette Bühler enabled me to document the project knowledge I acquired throughout my career in a targeted manner for certification.

Diego Galliker | dipl. Arch ETHZ | MAS MTEC ETHZ | Project developer ETHZ Immobilien

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